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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ac lobortis nibh. Sed et lectus et dolor convallis sagittis id a sem. Nulla interdum nunc et urna hendrerit at pellentesque risus convallis. Proin a turpis nunc, eu tincidunt arcu. Etiam magna turpis, facilisis id placerat et, congue eu nisi. Vivamus euismod nulla id elit laoreet placerat eu eu nisi. Morbi id libero quam, nec rhoncus diam.
The RDM Campus is a multi-purpose platform for event ranging from education to business, from research to industrial. Given the opportunity to build a 6000-meter-square coverage architecture at the harbor at northern campus, we decide to complete the campus ecosystem by adding an entertainment center.
Fusce cursus turpis feugiat odio consectetur consequat. Donec lacinia velit a orci posuere condimentum. Proin interdum sem sodales velit iaculis a consequat risus faucibus. Suspendisse quam odio, consequat a porta nec, varius eu arcu. Proin erat dui, vestibulum id rhoncus venenatis, porta ut eros. Pellentesque at libero nec turpis scelerisque feugiat id in risus. Proin sollicitudin dapibus nibh, quis adipiscing nisi aliquam id. Pellentesque habitant morbi.
Our scheme consists of mainly two buildings – an exhibition center and an entertainment auditorium. The two buildings will provide students and staff space to enjoy sports or multimedia events while away from work. The entertainment center will be located at the middle of the dock but with easy access from shore connected by existing dock.  
The buildings will be partially self-sustaining with installation of solar panels, so energy can be stored for lighting up interior space at night. Large surface areas of glass will allow natural lighting throughout the day, but at the same time avoiding overheating with intelligent shading fins blocking out unnecessary light. Buildings will be orientated to dissipate wind force and to fit outdoor auditorium purpose.
Cras non dolor ipsum, commodo mattis velit. Duis a augue enim. Cras aliquet augue vitae libero rutrum congue bibendum urna cursus. Sed posuere felis sed ante suscipit consequat. Nullam pretium interdum ultricies. Morbi dignissim congue pulvinar. Mauris tincidunt, tellus at suscipit aliquam, nisl lacus pellentesque odio, pretium consectetur nisl neque in velit. Nunc hendrerit dolor at nibh porttitor eget faucibus augue malesuada. Ut venenatis consequat metus.
We are currently working on site studies and building forms to achieve a sustainable and realistic scheme. Further details of our scheme will be confirmed after site visit.

Revision as of 15:26, 7 September 2012

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Project name

author(s):QIN Yun, YIM Kay John


The RDM Campus is a multi-purpose platform for event ranging from education to business, from research to industrial. Given the opportunity to build a 6000-meter-square coverage architecture at the harbor at northern campus, we decide to complete the campus ecosystem by adding an entertainment center.

Our scheme consists of mainly two buildings – an exhibition center and an entertainment auditorium. The two buildings will provide students and staff space to enjoy sports or multimedia events while away from work. The entertainment center will be located at the middle of the dock but with easy access from shore connected by existing dock.

The buildings will be partially self-sustaining with installation of solar panels, so energy can be stored for lighting up interior space at night. Large surface areas of glass will allow natural lighting throughout the day, but at the same time avoiding overheating with intelligent shading fins blocking out unnecessary light. Buildings will be orientated to dissipate wind force and to fit outdoor auditorium purpose.

We are currently working on site studies and building forms to achieve a sustainable and realistic scheme. Further details of our scheme will be confirmed after site visit.



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