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Inter-activity. This chapter covers the actions and the supporting interactions.



Note: Maybe this has to be changed to a somewhat more serious and less commercial text for The Knowledge Centre to be taken seriously. But for now, this is the best way.

A 30-day getaway for high-profile intellectual professionals, students and other human beings who manage to pass the application.

During this 30-day getaway the guests will stay in a comfortable centre supplying in all their basic needs. The goal during this 30-day period is to learn something new. To submerge yourself in an environment of learning, inspiration and relaxation. After 30 days, the guests re-enter society with a broathened perspective, new knowledge and new motivation.

The centre and the campus

The centre is situated in a highly inspirational, cutting edge and innovative area (the future international cultural and sustainable-hub of the Hyperbody RDM Campus) supplying a wide range of activities. For instance, the guests can take part in the maintanance of the urban farms, can volunteer at and visit the museums and performance centres, can eat at one of the many restaurants and be amazed by the incredible cutting-edge architecture and sustainability. All these activities are part of the 30-day program offered by The Knowledge Centre.

The 30-day program

The main part of the program consists of lectures and workshops. These are mainly offered at the centre itself, but can also be hosted in one of the other spaces available at the RDM Campus. The content of the lectures and workshops is according to a theme which changes every 30-day period. For instance, in march the theme will focus on music, in april on drama, in may on philosophy and in june on economics. Every 30-day period the goal is to attract a certain amount of professionals who can also contribute to the theme. They will supply a part of the lectures and workshops and will be offered compensation. Besides that top-professionals from the field of the theme will be attracted to share their knowledge and skills. Besides the main theme (major) there will be an amount of secondary themes (minors). These minors will stay the same every 30-day period and are partly based on RDM-specific themes.

How to become a guest?

One option is to be an employee of a big succesfull company (like Google or some consultancy agency). Your boss can buy you a place in the centre. This will be very expensive and a main source of income for the centre. But then again, the company will benefit greatly from their returned reborn employees. A second option is to apply for a scholarship. Different scholarships will be available, for individuals (some costs will have to be covered by the guest) and students (a minimum of costs will have to be coveredb by the guest). A third option is to be invited by the centre itself. But therefore you will have to be either the president of the United States or named Rem Koolhaas.

Future development

If a consistent stream of intellectual and creative people will attend the centre there are extra possibilities in the future. By hosting sponsored themes (major or minors, nowadays referred to as business cases) or themes with a clear good societal impact extra funds can be raised or societal issues or developmental issues can be solved.

Inspired by

  • - The Google approach of its employees. Training in Mindfullness and broathen their horizons;
  • - TED-talk Try something new for 30-days by Matt Cuts;
  • - Gunter Pauli's personal belief to change professions each decenium;


One can define two levels of interaction. In the first level the project is one of the many ingredients, a small piece in a large area. It is the way this small piece interacts with its neighbors and surroundings, nearby and far-away. The second level is zoomed in. It is about the way visitors interact with the project, the experience they have when visiting and using the project.

Project based interactions

These interactions are based on how other projects can support The Knowledge Center and vice versa. For instance, by supplying volunteers or educational spaces. Because all the projects are under constant development this list of interactions is always outdated. For now, the list is classified by different actions.

  • - 30-Day Program - educational and auditorium spaces
    • - The Improvement System (meeting rooms), NEW sPARKs (office space), The Fifth Season (auditorium space), The Knowledge Centre;
  • - Basic Needs - food, 'home', etc.
    • - Restaurants: The Improvement System, Rejuvenative Sandwich, Food CentRDM, The Wave Phenomena, The Lotus Effect, Brewery, The Knowledge Centre;
    • - Market spaces: Rejuvenative Sandwich, Reconnect:Distribute:Material, The Wave Phenomena;
    • - Overnight stays: Babel Tower, NEW sPARKs, DwellingGrower, The Knowledge Centre
  • - Other activities
    • - Volunteering (everywhere but only educational and urban farming activities are shown): HYDRO^3 (education), The Wave Phenomena (education), Water Morphs (education), Food CentRDM (urban farm), project-22 (urban farm), The Lotus Effect (urban farm), Brewery (urban farm), The Knowledge Centre
    • - Leisure: basically every project offers some kind of leisure activity. The most striking leisure activities (note: not the most important) are: the bar of the Brewery, the brothel of The Harbour, the educational water park of HYDRO^3 and the water activity project of Variations;
    • - Relaxing: Babel Tower (meditation), project-04, HYDRO^3, Continuality, Flexible Aquatic Transit, The Knowledge Centre;
  • - Transport
    • - Multi-agent interactive DOK, Transport Hub, R:D:M, Flexible Aquatic Transit (most important), The Wave Phenomena (access to boat), Ez RDM (entrance area).

Context based interations

Nature, culture, objects, buildings, etc.


  • - Heijplaat
  • - River/canal
  • - Innovation dock/School/Boijmans/Innovative Building Materials
  • - Port/Industry character
  • - Local weather/natural characteristics - constrast nature/industry


  • - Business hubs
    • - Amsterdam Zuid-As
    • - Utrecht Central Station Area
    • - Ruhr Area
    • - Antwerp
    • - Brussels
    • - Paris
    • - London
    • - etc...
  • - Relaxation area near the sea (Maasvlakte/organised trips)
  • - Rotterdam?

People based interactions

-Locals -Students/professionals -Visitors -Guests/clients


Things about interaction

  • - Fascination: low technology interaction
  • - Maybe the building is just the medium for people to use to interact with each other. The building is the representation of the people who visited the building in the past.
  • - Levels
    • - Reaction
    • - One loop interaction
    • - Multiple loop interaction, predefined loops
  • - Timewise
    • - Short term: Live interaction.
    • - Normal
    • - Long term: a builing is renovated and its characteristics offer new possibilites. Is this two way interaction?

Site Analysis

This chapter covers everything from the historical analysis of the site to the developement of the project's activities and interactions.


The RDM area (Rotterdam Droogdok Maatschappij or Rotterdam Dry-Dock Company) is one of the four large industrial port areas close to the centre of Rotterdam. The site was developped at the start of the 20th century. Two contrasting elements mark the site: the large industrial buildings and ship-warfs close to the canal and the small-scale, green and cosy village (Heijplaat) behind it. The village provided housing for the industry workers.

The eighties mark a decline in activities in the Rotterdam port and finally result in bankruptcy of RDM. In the years following, other activities emerge in the abondened former RDM buildings. Among new industrial activities, some non-industrial activities discover the former dock area as an inspiring an interesting new accommodation.

Current Situation

The area currently hosts a wide range of new activities developped since the bankruptcy of the RDM. Besides the above mentioned industrial activities like the transfer of goods between different means of transport, the area attempts to shift its focus from transport industry to other fields of industry and non-industry. Currently, the list of activities include:

  • - Maatschappij De Maas, restart of RDM, builds luxury yachts;
  • - The RDM Campus, innnovation centre in one of the large assembly halls;
  • - Albeda School, part of RDM Campus, ex-juveniles are educated in welding and such;
  • - Innovation Area, assembly of small start-ups focusing on sustainable energy issues and water management;
  • - Academy of Archtitecture, situated in the former RDM-headquarters;
  • - Branch of Boijmans van Beuningen: Submarine Assembly Hall Exposition Area;
  • - Public space and leisure area surrounded by the characteristic former industrial environment;

Future Plans

As the construction of the second maasvlakte is looking to be finished quite soon, a majority of the transport activities of the port will move away from the Stadshavens of Rotterdam. A huge area will be available for redevelopment. The Rotterdam Port Authority, the owner of the area, together with the municipality, set up a plan. The four ports, the RDM area is one of them, will be redevelopped in order to meet housing demands, to create (start-up) innovative business opportunities and focus on sustainable energy and water management development. The RDM area is supposed to be developped as a high-end innovative technological business area in combination with leisure activities for people all around Rotterdam and area. Thus, a good public transport connection has a high priority. In order to reach these goals, five strategies have been created. RDM takes four of these strategies in account:

  • - Re-inventing Delta-technology (RDM);
  • - Crossing Borders (RDM);
    • - Industrial RDM area and Heijplaat village;
  • - Floating Communities (RDM);
  • - Sustainable Mobility (RDM);
  • - Volume and Value;

Besides these developments this project also considers the Hyperbody development as a future context. Approximately 36 project will find place in the RDM area covering a wide range of activities. From exposition areas and performance spaces to cemeteries and hotels.

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