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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ac lobortis nibh. Sed et lectus et dolor convallis sagittis id a sem. Nulla interdum nunc et urna hendrerit at pellentesque risus convallis. Proin a turpis nunc, eu tincidunt arcu. Etiam magna turpis, facilisis id placerat et, congue eu nisi. Vivamus euismod nulla id elit laoreet placerat eu eu nisi. Morbi id libero quam, nec rhoncus diam.
The projectconcept is based on a magic trick with an orange from the 19th century. The orange is cut in two, but is connected with some loops made of the peel of the orange. It is possible to see the orange as almost a perfect sphere. But when you pull the parts apart, you get a very special pattern.
Fusce cursus turpis feugiat odio consectetur consequat. Donec lacinia velit a orci posuere condimentum. Proin interdum sem sodales velit iaculis a consequat risus faucibus. Suspendisse quam odio, consequat a porta nec, varius eu arcu. Proin erat dui, vestibulum id rhoncus venenatis, porta ut eros. Pellentesque at libero nec turpis scelerisque feugiat id in risus. Proin sollicitudin dapibus nibh, quis adipiscing nisi aliquam id. Pellentesque habitant morbi.
The project will react at other projects by opening. When nobody needs the activities from the project, the project will close as almost a perfect sphere. It is like a flower, which closes at night, when there is no sun. If the project is needed, the sphere will open. Then it is possible to visit the project.
Cras non dolor ipsum, commodo mattis velit. Duis a augue enim. Cras aliquet augue vitae libero rutrum congue bibendum urna cursus. Sed posuere felis sed ante suscipit consequat. Nullam pretium interdum ultricies. Morbi dignissim congue pulvinar. Mauris tincidunt, tellus at suscipit aliquam, nisl lacus pellentesque odio, pretium consectetur nisl neque in velit. Nunc hendrerit dolor at nibh porttitor eget faucibus augue malesuada. Ut venenatis consequat metus.

Revision as of 22:56, 9 September 2012

Sample image.png


author(s):Nina Verkerk


The projectconcept is based on a magic trick with an orange from the 19th century. The orange is cut in two, but is connected with some loops made of the peel of the orange. It is possible to see the orange as almost a perfect sphere. But when you pull the parts apart, you get a very special pattern.

The project will react at other projects by opening. When nobody needs the activities from the project, the project will close as almost a perfect sphere. It is like a flower, which closes at night, when there is no sun. If the project is needed, the sphere will open. Then it is possible to visit the project.



Project10 concept1.png

Sample image.png

Sample image.png

Sample image.png

Sample image.png

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