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Interaction with people

Rinus is a researcher who is working in the RDM building 5 days a week. He is drives down from Amsterdam every day, nevertheless he wont like to live in the area because “there is nothing to do, except work”. Public space for sitting outside and for instance having lunch to together is not provided. What is more Rinus and his colleagues are missing the possibility to go shopping, they think that a shopping mall could be a great improvement of the area. The idea of a brewery and a bar/restaurant had really good feedback and Rinus and his colleagues would probably be future costumers of the brewery project.

Interaction with buildings

The dokkaffee is one of the only possibilitys for having lunch and enjoying a coffee. It´s located in front of the landing stage of the aqualiner and not too far from the RDM building. As addition to the charming Dockage, what seams a great place for having coffee, the brewery project would offer a great location for a after work or late night drink with collegues.

Interaction with other projects

Water Morphs- project 34

the examination of the abudance of water could offer answers to the question of producing energy for the brewing proccess, for the location of the brewery, in matter of easy transport and also for the design itself.

Dwelling Grower - project 27

A student dwelling would provide a lot of potential clients of the brewery project.

Flexible Water Transit - project 23

Can offer great possibilities of transporting not only costumers but also goods from the brewery to the land and also via shipping to other locations/clients.

project 22 / project 15

The idea of urban farming can be combined with the idea of growing the ingredients for brewing, like hops. Maybe the farming/production can be outsourced.

Food Centrdm - project 11

Urban farming aswell as the restaurant cover the actions of the brewery.

Hydro ^3 - project 17

The brewery could connect with the energy producing system

Project 4

Providing public space for relaxing aswell as interacting with others.