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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ac lobortis nibh. Sed et lectus et dolor convallis sagittis id a sem. Nulla interdum nunc et urna hendrerit at pellentesque risus convallis. Proin a turpis nunc, eu tincidunt arcu. Etiam magna turpis, facilisis id placerat et, congue eu nisi. Vivamus euismod nulla id elit laoreet placerat eu eu nisi. Morbi id libero quam, nec rhoncus diam.
What exists is an abundance of water. Water as the strongest 'tangible' 'context' ! Building on water; water as a 'building material'? In the following states - solid(ice), liquid(water), Gaseous(steam)? Or water as a supportive element - Pneumatic Structures - Filler Fluid as water instead of Air/hydrogen et cetera ? Or water as an indirect element - Response to/Integration of the 'behaviour' of water - Vertical water currents, horizontal water currents ? Posiibly not a static 'form', but one that may construct and deconstruct itself temporally over various positions within the site - Possibly like a mechanism embedded which may 'freeze' and 'de-freeze' the 'building' ? That sounds outrageously un-sustainable though !
Fusce cursus turpis feugiat odio consectetur consequat. Donec lacinia velit a orci posuere condimentum. Proin interdum sem sodales velit iaculis a consequat risus faucibus. Suspendisse quam odio, consequat a porta nec, varius eu arcu. Proin erat dui, vestibulum id rhoncus venenatis, porta ut eros. Pellentesque at libero nec turpis scelerisque feugiat id in risus. Proin sollicitudin dapibus nibh, quis adipiscing nisi aliquam id. Pellentesque habitant morbi.
What are the problems encountered while building on/with water ? How can that be achieved in a more structurally optimal, cost effective and aesthetic way ? A 'biomechanical' application for reference ? A study of organisms/natural formations under water for deductions ?
Cras non dolor ipsum, commodo mattis velit. Duis a augue enim. Cras aliquet augue vitae libero rutrum congue bibendum urna cursus. Sed posuere felis sed ante suscipit consequat. Nullam pretium interdum ultricies. Morbi dignissim congue pulvinar. Mauris tincidunt, tellus at suscipit aliquam, nisl lacus pellentesque odio, pretium consectetur nisl neque in velit. Nunc hendrerit dolor at nibh porttitor eget faucibus augue malesuada. Ut venenatis consequat metus.
The context - in terms of the building typology is not imposing(?). With an urban-rejuvination-objective, a 'stimulant' building; iconic, may be imagined. However, if the site is such that it affords some secrecy by virtue of some pre-existing activities having been abandoned, a new activity that needs some amount of seclusion; something to do with governance, intelligence, military resources may be considered ? Or partially so ? Or completely not ?

Revision as of 17:20, 4 September 2012

Sample image.png

Project name



What exists is an abundance of water. Water as the strongest 'tangible' 'context' ! Building on water; water as a 'building material'? In the following states - solid(ice), liquid(water), Gaseous(steam)? Or water as a supportive element - Pneumatic Structures - Filler Fluid as water instead of Air/hydrogen et cetera ? Or water as an indirect element - Response to/Integration of the 'behaviour' of water - Vertical water currents, horizontal water currents ? Posiibly not a static 'form', but one that may construct and deconstruct itself temporally over various positions within the site - Possibly like a mechanism embedded which may 'freeze' and 'de-freeze' the 'building' ? That sounds outrageously un-sustainable though !

What are the problems encountered while building on/with water ? How can that be achieved in a more structurally optimal, cost effective and aesthetic way ? A 'biomechanical' application for reference ? A study of organisms/natural formations under water for deductions ?

The context - in terms of the building typology is not imposing(?). With an urban-rejuvination-objective, a 'stimulant' building; iconic, may be imagined. However, if the site is such that it affords some secrecy by virtue of some pre-existing activities having been abandoned, a new activity that needs some amount of seclusion; something to do with governance, intelligence, military resources may be considered ? Or partially so ? Or completely not ?



Sample image.png

Sample image.png

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Sample image.png

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