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In order to make the concept of continuous motion a success, cooperation between nearby projects is a must. The mentioned projects are Rejuvenative Sandwich, SEPAC, Food CenteRDM, Welcome to the Cave, The Fifth Season and Islands. The design will focus on connecting these projects without losing its own character. It will be a crucial link between these projects, because the experience of going from one project to another will be a continuous experience, rather than experiencing going from function to function.

The projects shown as A in the picture above are in the landscaping committee. These projects must form a continuity of green, public space. The projects shown as B are a part of the culture committee, which is this design's responsibility to give access to these two projects.

The connections between the four A's (landscapes) will be divided in two.

The horizontal line on the sketch connects project Sandwich with the land. These two are on the same height.

The other two A's, the vertical line, shows the connection of the projects Cave and Food CenteRDM, which both of the projects are on the height of water. Connecting these two will also make possible to create an area where the transport units of the project Islands can connect to. Another advantage of this will be the energy part. Not only will Islands take care of transportation, but it will also work as a battery to store energy. More info about this will soon appear on the page of the Energy committee.


The RDM area is currently a world on its own. The link between this area and the village is no more visible. One of the reasons for this is the long building that works like a barrier. This building separates the RDM area and the village. The most important information here is that this building blocks the sight between the two areas, which might encourage the feeling of separation. In order to reconnect those two there must be some kind of attraction for the citizens of the village to the RDM area. Not specifically a new function or activity, but something that stimulates the habits of the citizens. (See project-person B for more information)

protoTag A barrier between innovation and housing

Project 18 Barrier.JPG


A crucial object for this project is this pier. It will create many options to make the continuous motion possible. This is important, because people should be able to enter the building in many ways as possible. When there is just one entrance it will give a feeling of entering a specific building. If there are many ways to enter it will feel like a part of something big, which makes the experience of the building and the surrounding a lot stronger.

protoTag Abandoned pier

Project 18 Accessible 2.JPG


This part of the interactions is the most crucial part, because these are the people who are going to use the buildings/designs.

We can separate the users in two groups:

A. Users of the RDM area, mostly students.

Since the RDM area is being used by students, the design will contain some space or spaces especially destined for the usage of the students. For example showing the work that has been done by the students, like an exposition or information area. Or a waiting hall for the fast ferry, where the students in the meantime can play games.

B. Citizens of the village.

The building should affect the citizens the most. There are still people living in the village who have seen the connection in the past between the village and the dock. Giving the citizens this connection back and creating solidarity will be a top priority. The image underneath shows an example of how the current habits of the citizens can be improved by adding certain activities to the project location.

protoTag RDM student Mike

protoTag Citizen Luuk

Project 18 Walking route.JPG


This part can be seen as a follow up from project-person. The results from that part makes interactions possible between the students and the citizens. This interaction can be achieved by for example keeping the citizens up to date with what is going on at the RDM campus. Showing the citizens the progress that is being made and the results that are being achieved at the RDM will slowly create a bond where perhaps in the future citizens themselves can play a part in the progress of RDM. The desired result is to create solidarity.

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