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Rethinking Prostitution

Acoording to SOAID, a prostitution interest organisationg, the largest part of Dutch prostitution is bordello prostitution (40%), followed by window (20%) prostitution and escortservices (15%). To give all of these forms of prostitution a place, and to rethink their classical typology, a stringent analysis of the most important spatial aspects of prostitution life is necessary. We have identified the following elements:

    Customer Routing
    Sightlines to and from prostitutes

These elements are analysed below, and then cross referenced with research to provide optimal design solutions/parameters.

Routing Analysis

15 performance routing.jpg

An analysis of the routing of customers with regards to different forms of organising the prostitution cells. Important aspects here are the feeling of adventure generated by the streetpattern for the customer, while at the same time offering no spaces to stop and stare, as to avoid mysoginistic situations.

Sightline Analysis

15 performance sightlines.jpg

The sightlines to and from prostitutes. Important aspects here are: the ability for the prostitute to see and be seen by her surroundings, the avoidance of unmonitored areas where pimps and loverboys can hang around and keep tabs on the women.