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Form and Geometry

Brockholes Visitors Centre, 2011, Adam Khan Architects. The strong rooflines give a clear presence across the water, whilst their varying forms tesselate well together.

Phaeno Science Centre, 2005, Zaha Hadid Architects. The project will look to emulate this unique elevated form, with its striking surface articulation.

10 Hills Place, 2009, Amanda Levete Architects. Organic window projections flow along this facade.

Bridges and Promenades

Olympic Park Central Bridge, 2011, Heneghan Peng Architects. Sinuous forms weave across the canal below, flowing into the landscape.

EDP Cultural Centre, 2014, Amanda Levete Architects. The centre sits within the undulating promenade, animating the waterfront.

The High Line, 2008, James Corner Field Operations and Diller Scofidio + Renfro. The rejuvenation of this former elevated metro track demonstrates landscaping potential.

Waterborne Elements

Water Taxi, New York City. The market stalls will be floating modules that can move to other similar locations across Rotterdam. They will reference modern boat designs to produce viable structures.

Waterworks Drift, 2009, NEX Architecture. This project "aims to break down the barrier created by the canal's edge", with timber monocoque roofed barges enabling multiple activities along the canal.

Deal Pier Cafe, 2008, Niall McLaughlin Architects. A replacement for the previous cafe, this timber structure welcomes visitors offshore.

Materials and Colour

Deal Pier Cafe, 2008, Niall McLaughlin Architects. The project will use sustainable and low carbon resources as a priority, with timber also having a warm aesthetic which will weather well over time into the nautical context of the dock.

[[File:project19_Barcelona Market 01.1.jpg|270px|A strong colour palette will create a clear identity for the market, and will be used structurally to guide users through the various stall types and activities.]

Earlier linked spaces on water give the project inspiration