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Since the building is an anchored floating structure for phasing reasons it is necessary to construct it as light as possible, this means using relatively lightweight materials such as steel or aluminium for the construction. The goal is to create a light inflatable structure for the blobs and a material effective method for constructing the facade.

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The facade is a sheltering box, lifted up off the square to create maximum openness of the lower public elements while stile providing protection and shelter from sun, rain and strong winds. The box is supported by the (inflatable) blobs inside, this becomes a physical extension of the concept that the sex-worker program supports the functioning of the public square.

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The structure of the blobs is highly important due to the non-uniform shapes. Above are several possible solutions using custom ribs prefabricated in a factory using robots for a cost effective manufacturing procedure.

One of the important things to consider is the fact that these ribs are necessary in order to transfer the loads from the facade into the floating construction. Ideally the blobs are inflatable structures which can perform the same load bearing function without the use of ribs.





Feasibility is mostly about the economics of the Lusthof, this consists of two primary elements:

  1. Phasing
  2. Business model

Below is a short explanation of how we envision both of these elements to work both within the RDM site and the city as a whole.


The Lusthof is purposed to function as a kickstarter for the RDM area drawing in people and money which will aid with further developments in the area. In order to do this the building will be a floating structure which is able to move around the dockside until assuming its final position when it is best within the development plan.

Before it is in its final position the Lusthof will be able to move across the site and dock with semi-permanent bridges allowing customers to enter the building, the public square will thus only function as it it intended when the site is further developed. This is however not a problem since as long as the site is not intensively developed and visited it is possible to visit the Lusthof in relative anonimity.

Business Model

The businessmodel of the Lusthof is fairly simple, sex-workers can rent a number of different rooms on the basis of the specific service they are providing (prostitution typology). For all services there are fixed prices in order to prevent unfair competition between local women and eastern-european women (whom are generally willing to work for less, see interview) this will improve solidarity within the sex-worker community.

There are basically three types of prostitution activities for which there is space allowed, related to three spatial typologies which are placed inside the blobs.

  • Window Prostitution
  • Love Hotel
  • Modern "Tippelzone"

The initial costs of the project will be covered by an institution aimed at providing fair and safe working conditions for the sex-workers, this institution will have profit oriented investors but will be run by and with organizations whose primary interests are sex-worker welfare. These same organizations are the ones whom select the investors in order to avoid criminal elements from becoming decisive factors in the running of the Lusthof.

Window prostitution

The window prostitution is a fairly standard type for the Netherlands, occuring in almost all major Dutch cities except Rotterdam. Since this is the most familiar type of worksetting for both customer and worker there is a large amount of space reserved for it. This will be a primary financial motor during the early stages of the Lusthof project. Windowrent in Amsterdam generates approximately 100,- euro per segment per day. We are assuming that it will be possible to realize 40 rooms for 50 euros per segment per day, putting the earning potential from rent of the windows at 1,46 million a year.

Love Hotel

The love hotel is aimed at people whom arrange paid sexual encounters over the internet, the rooms provide safe and clean neutral ground in an erotic setting and can be rented for blocks of half an hour or more. The room rents will be based on creating an earning potential matching, or even succeeding, that of the window prostitution rooms. The primary interest is ofcourse to keep the rents cheap enough so that the rooms are a feasible alternative for meetings arranged at home, which are decidedly less safe for the workers.

Modern Tippelzone

The modern tippelzone is an experimental zone where experiments on prostitution typology can take place. It will start off as a place where "street" prostitution takes place in a sheltered environment, here there are spaces which can be closed off by paying a standard fee at a machine terminal. Part of this fee is put into the sex-workers account and part of this fee is deducted as rent, this standardizes prices. As time passes experimental forms of prostitution involving robots or other sex-machines will be introduced to see if they are able to supplement or maybe even supplement the need for human sex-workers. This is done from the economic principle that there is no supply if there is no demand, following the idealogical line that in a better future there is no need for sex-workers. At that point the Lusthof would house sex-robots only or be repurposed for another function.

Diffusion Principles

For customers it is very important not to be seen entering the prostitution areas, otherwise they won't come. (e.g. prostitution centre Eindhoven only has one entrance which is in plain view from a nearby apartment building. An interview with PMW humanitas informed us that this is a major inhibiting factor in attracting customers.)

To facilitate this, we have devised a few methods to allow potential customers to isolate themselves from the public discretely, and acces the prostitution areas.

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