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(Lusthof in RDM)
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'''scales of interaction'''
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The idea behind interaction is a complex one. Is any system of bi-directional relationships a form of interaction, or are there restrictions to this definition. To come to a better understanding of this concept it is split up according to actors, and scale thus creating a diagram of the forces of interaction taking place on te location. This helps gain an understanding of the scales of interaction in which the design is situated.
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[[project15:Frontpage |'''Frontpage''']]
[[File:project 15 Scales_of_interaction.jpg|resize x478px|850px|middle]]
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[[project15:interactions |'''Interactions''']]
To validate the design it is necessary to have it interact across these levels. The focus of the design will thus be on the building to environment and building to city interaction, this because these types of interaction cross multiple scale levels and therefore are instrumental in validating the design. Although focus is on these types of interaction the design is not limited to these, people to people and people to building interaction will play a core role in the styling and on design decisions at a building level.
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[[project15:styling |'''Styling''']]
'''scales to concepts'''
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[[project15:performance |'''Performance''']]
The aforementioned scales are interesting, however they do not propose any solid foundation on which to base design decisions. For this it is necessary to take them one step further and turn them into interaction concepts.
Interaction with the environment and interaction with the city are combined in this conceptual phase. The building will respond to patterns in the urban fabric, information which it gathers from monitoring passive and active data streams within the city. These data streams can be roughly split into two categories: human/technological factors, and weather conditions. It should then translate the information gathered from these data streams and place it within the visible realities of the user, interesting ways to do this are proposed by Dan Hill of Arup and can be found here []
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''human/technological factors''
The human/ technological factors are special in that they can contain an active and passive user element. Passive elements would be the monitoring of cell phone activity in the area, the sensing of traffic patterns across the building (eg. pressure pads), etc. Active elements can be programs in which the current user can input information about the way they are experiencing the building
=='''Prostitution in Rotterdam'''==
Recent developments within the [ city of Rotterdam] have caused the last place ('[ Keileweg]') where affordable public prostitution was available to close. This is a typical example of populist form politics as it does not remove the need for prostitution, but only causes the sex worker to practice their profession outside of the law becoming easy victims of pimps and other organised crime, thus greatly worsening their situation.
'''The brain Network'''
The lusthof aims to rectify this governmental oversight, and at the same time improve the social situation of the sex worker. It connects to the city by being the only location with affordable prostitution, drawing people from all around the city and its surroundings.
The brain network is a simple solution to the complex problem of arranging a connection to land (and other entities) from your own or clusters entity. What we propose is a network of individual "synapses" (small, smart, floating blocks which can form bridges) which form connections between the different "neurons" (entities) whose behaviour is governed by a simple (so far) 5 ruled protocol:
Furthermore its prime location along a mayor shipping artery could potentially draw clientele from surrounding countries where prostitution is currently illegal. Essentially functioning as a tourist attraction, much like the red light district in Amsterdam. To enhance this effect the Lusthof is equipped with shops, cafe's and other non-sexrelated functions in order to provide a broader palet of entertainment for the curious tourist, while placing prostitution at the center of healthy city activity instead of hiding it.
=='''Lusthof in RDM'''==
<li> Every entity is connected within "the brain". </li>
<li> Everything is connected only to its nearest neighbours, no links will go over, under, around or through neighbouring entities. </li>
<li> No connections are permanent, unless specified otherwise (think of the link to for example land, or heavily clustered entities) </li>
<li> The system learns from itself by observing traffic patterns across it, thus creating favored routes. These routes are however never permanent and the system will always try new permutations (think of an electrical impulse traveling through the brain, not always taking the same route thus sometimes discovering new shorter/better ways to get from A to B) </li>
<li> The connection is three dimensional (XYZ Axis) thus it does not impose a design direction on the individual entities. </li>
As you can see the network is simply a logistical system which can also be an attractive feature of the area since it is something new and improves routing and circulation across the harbor, it is not meant as a system which imposes a certain aesthetic on the entities connected to it. It doesn't force a fixed or moving position on the entities as it will simply create new routes when elements are moving in- or taken out of the harbour. Thus it is a simple top-down plan which gives space for your individual bottom-up approach.
The lusthof connects with the rest of the RDM site on multiple levels. It functions as a traffic knot, a nightclub, a shopping/market centre, and meeting point while also allowing dynamic buildings to intertwine or augment the programme through the strong connective tissue formed by the pixelated square. At the same time its unique programme draws in large quantities of people and money, directly creating investment opportunities which other developments desperately need to be realised.
Current examples of the connective capacity of the square would be: market stalls from the floating market, single or multiple units of the floating islands project, the veni-vidi hotel pods, and the underwater connection to the variations nightclub.
These connections are not only location-, but also time-dependent fitting into the dynamic nature of the expected on-site developments as well as providing opportunities for future changes and additions to the RDM site.
[[File:Interactions day.jpg|420px]]
[[File:Interactions night.jpg|420px]]
=='''User interaction'''==
Interaction within the building takes place between three core groups: the sex worker, the casual visitor, and the clients. The relationship between the groups determines the organisation of the programme, the clients need to be able to blend in with the casual visitor while also able to discreetly seperate themselves from this group. The sex-worker needs to be rigidly separated from the casual visitor while easily approachable by their clientele, they also need a private space to relax and change into their work outfits.
These mapped interactions translate themselves into the organisation and clustering of the working spaces, and the routing (more on that later). A rigid separation of activities based on the target usergroup is a logical extension of this. This is achieved by connecting public functions like shops and a cafe to the square, while placing the prostitution programme in the blobs.
Finally the lusthof programme for the sex-workers is built around a so called "life-path". A person may at one time become involved in the sex-industry but want to get out of it at another. To guide this process the lusthof provides opportunities for (ex) prostitutes to join in workshops or rent/manage their own store. This is something which seperates the lusthof yet again from the traditional approach to prostitution.
== '''Routing''' ==
Routing within the project is a crucial element in the interactions between different user groups, and thus something which has been developed with great care. This is mostly due to the aspects of shame and covertness that are associated with prostitution. While attracting crowds with the use of a public square provides cover for the customers of the sex-workers they need to be able to unobtrusively disappear from the crowds and into the blobs.
A quick [[project15:Analysis|analysis]] reveals that routing is best arranged according to sight principles. Using elements which draw attention of the general crowds to direct the gaze away from the acces points of the prostitution zones.
To investigate the typical workings, problems, and successes of different approaches to organizing prostitution we investigated some reference projects.
These projects can be found [[project15:references_prostitution|here]]
Inside the building there will be connections between different activities and actors such as clients, prostitutes, and related people and organizations.
<li>[ SOA Poli] is an organizations that helps people with STDs.</li>
<li>[ SOAIDS] also is the dutch national helpdesk for prostitutes.</li>
<li>(PMW) 'Prostitutie Maatschappelijk Werk' is an organization that supports working and retired prostitutes.</li>
For interviews with SOAIDS and PMW click [[project15:interviews|here]]

Latest revision as of 03:18, 19 January 2013

15 interactions title.jpg


[edit] Prostitution in Rotterdam

15 interaction city.jpg

Recent developments within the city of Rotterdam have caused the last place ('Keileweg') where affordable public prostitution was available to close. This is a typical example of populist form politics as it does not remove the need for prostitution, but only causes the sex worker to practice their profession outside of the law becoming easy victims of pimps and other organised crime, thus greatly worsening their situation.

The lusthof aims to rectify this governmental oversight, and at the same time improve the social situation of the sex worker. It connects to the city by being the only location with affordable prostitution, drawing people from all around the city and its surroundings.

Furthermore its prime location along a mayor shipping artery could potentially draw clientele from surrounding countries where prostitution is currently illegal. Essentially functioning as a tourist attraction, much like the red light district in Amsterdam. To enhance this effect the Lusthof is equipped with shops, cafe's and other non-sexrelated functions in order to provide a broader palet of entertainment for the curious tourist, while placing prostitution at the center of healthy city activity instead of hiding it.

[edit] Lusthof in RDM

15 interactions connections internal.jpg

The lusthof connects with the rest of the RDM site on multiple levels. It functions as a traffic knot, a nightclub, a shopping/market centre, and meeting point while also allowing dynamic buildings to intertwine or augment the programme through the strong connective tissue formed by the pixelated square. At the same time its unique programme draws in large quantities of people and money, directly creating investment opportunities which other developments desperately need to be realised.

Current examples of the connective capacity of the square would be: market stalls from the floating market, single or multiple units of the floating islands project, the veni-vidi hotel pods, and the underwater connection to the variations nightclub.

These connections are not only location-, but also time-dependent fitting into the dynamic nature of the expected on-site developments as well as providing opportunities for future changes and additions to the RDM site.

Interactions day.jpg Interactions night.jpg

[edit] User interaction

Interaction within the building takes place between three core groups: the sex worker, the casual visitor, and the clients. The relationship between the groups determines the organisation of the programme, the clients need to be able to blend in with the casual visitor while also able to discreetly seperate themselves from this group. The sex-worker needs to be rigidly separated from the casual visitor while easily approachable by their clientele, they also need a private space to relax and change into their work outfits.

15 interactions relationships.jpg

These mapped interactions translate themselves into the organisation and clustering of the working spaces, and the routing (more on that later). A rigid separation of activities based on the target usergroup is a logical extension of this. This is achieved by connecting public functions like shops and a cafe to the square, while placing the prostitution programme in the blobs.

15 interaction plein.jpg

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Finally the lusthof programme for the sex-workers is built around a so called "life-path". A person may at one time become involved in the sex-industry but want to get out of it at another. To guide this process the lusthof provides opportunities for (ex) prostitutes to join in workshops or rent/manage their own store. This is something which seperates the lusthof yet again from the traditional approach to prostitution.

15 interaction levenspad.jpg

[edit] Routing

Routing within the project is a crucial element in the interactions between different user groups, and thus something which has been developed with great care. This is mostly due to the aspects of shame and covertness that are associated with prostitution. While attracting crowds with the use of a public square provides cover for the customers of the sex-workers they need to be able to unobtrusively disappear from the crowds and into the blobs.

A quick analysis reveals that routing is best arranged according to sight principles. Using elements which draw attention of the general crowds to direct the gaze away from the acces points of the prostitution zones.

15 interaction connections.jpg 15 interaction corner.jpg

[edit] References

To investigate the typical workings, problems, and successes of different approaches to organizing prostitution we investigated some reference projects.

These projects can be found here

Inside the building there will be connections between different activities and actors such as clients, prostitutes, and related people and organizations.

  • SOA Poli is an organizations that helps people with STDs.
  • SOAIDS also is the dutch national helpdesk for prostitutes.
  • (PMW) 'Prostitutie Maatschappelijk Werk' is an organization that supports working and retired prostitutes.

For interviews with SOAIDS and PMW click here

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